Monday, March 14, 2011

Google Alerts….


Being drastically new to the whole Blogging, its hard for me to stay on top with all the other things that seem to randomly pop up, but I found this super cool AP on Google today, its called Google Alerts.

What it is, is that you select a topic that your really interested in, I chose fashion, and then it asks where you want to receive the information from, the news, blogs, videos, or everything, it wants to know how often and what kind of result and then it emails you updates around the world of that topic. SO COOL!

My new favourite thing right now!!! Try it out! let me know what you think!




Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Don’t Worry I am Still Alive!!!



So It has been ages since I have found the time to post, and here I am sitting in my Communication Lecture writing a blog post. HA! Take that School! Even though it will be me who has to suffer later. Oh well.

SO I have decided to set a couple goals to complete by the end of April and Will post blogs and such to make sure I am staying on track.. those goals you ask?

1. Post a minimum of 15 blog post a month.
2. Buy
Red Lipstick and have the confidence to wear it!
3. Do not shop or spend any money until April 9th when you go to the states to shop.
4. Now that I have finally signed up at She’s Fit go three times a week.
5. Wear something that I normally would not, be confident and go outside my comfort zone.
6. Finally finish learning Claire De Lune on the Piano after procrastinating!


I have promised my self to stay on track and get organized, so I will be completing this and then that means more posts! Yayy!

See ya very SOON!
xo Soph

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Four Smiles a day


Me and Evan went downtown yesterday for his friends play, it was a great night out, it was in the Standard Building downtown and I love old buildings, the architecture, the vibe it was a good night and a good play!
Four things are currently making me smile and as my camera died and I don’t have access to the charger I will post pictures later!

1. The Moon: these past few nights it has been gorgeous to just sit and watch the stars and the moon, were lucky we have had a few clear nights!
2. On the sky train yesterday a women dropped a $50 bill from her purse and didn’t realize, until one of the rowdy teenagers pointed it out to her, and picked up and gave it to her. Don’t see that everyday, she even gave him a tip for being so honest. Good to see that kind of courtesy still exists!!!!
3. The Freckled Lemonade at Red Robins… mmm big chunks of strawberries in lemonade, delicious!!
4. My two new pairs of shoes! That I got on sale for $30.00!!!!
5. That I looked on my calendar today and only have 7 weeks of school, until

All good things that make me SMILE!!!!

xoxo Soph

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Two Things


I expected this week to be intense, and to have to work my butt off. In other words I cannot wait till Friday. But right now two things are getting me through the day….

The Beautiful sight of the Vancouver Mountains from SFU Burnaby Mountain ..


And Regina Spektor and her song “The Call”

Check it out I love it…The Call

Monday, February 7, 2011

Reminiscing My Favourite Place…Thanks to Contiki!



I think it may be the winter blues getting to me, and all the rain we have had. But I cannot stop thinking of my trip to Europe and Egypt last summer. Thank goodness I was able to go to Egypt when I did as now it would seem to be impossible. But never the less I had the time of my life and thought I would share some favourite snap shots of my time there!

I went with my boyfriend Evan, my best friend Megan and her boyfriend Jaye. We all get along really well which is lucky cause we spent so much time in close proximity with one another!

Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 077

Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 097

We visited Family In England first and saw some outstanding heritage sites before we started out Contiki Tour around Europe.

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Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 192

London was a first port of sight seeing, and there is us trying to get all four into a picture, unsuccessfully I might add.

Next was Amsterdam and St.Goar…

Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 256Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 278

That would be Evan and I, On the left we were on the ferry from Dover to France, and on the right is us at a wine tasting tour in Germany!

After a short pit stop in Innsbruck for their famous Danish Apple Bar we zoomed over to Venice…. for a hot sunny day around the town!

Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 461

Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 515

We passed Lake Como and George Clooney (yum!) on our way to Switzerland! We took a trek up Mount Stanshorn, are were able to see some breathtaking views of the Alps!

Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 673

Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 678

Our last destination took us to Paris. Where the city of Love and Lime Lights consumed us!

Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 831

Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 1010

Our Europe Trip had come to an end. Me and Megsy then went on to Egypt and Did a cruise up and down the Nile! It was fantastic. But as I am procrastinating from homework right now that will have to be left for later!

I Seriously Suggest Everyone Needs to Go to Europe. It is an experience that will change you for life!

Yayy Contiki! You allowed me to meet so many amazing people that I will remain friends with forever!

xox Soph!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Walk in the Fresh Air



I have to gorgeous chocolate labs, whether or not you can still call them puppies I’m not sure but they will always be my babies haha. We got them for Christmas two years ago, and it was a huge surprise! They are from the same litter and they are sisters so they keep themselves entertained most of the time.

Dont get me wrong though, they can be little terrors! Chewing through walls, eating laundry, tearing their beds apart and this list doesnt stop!

This is them…

Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 009

Europe 2010 and Fall 2010 011

Molly is on the left and Milly is on the right. Cute right?

Well luckily we have this dog park right by our house, and we take them there everyday! Its like 20 acres of something of land, and they can be off leash and run around in the forest. Perfect for blowing of steam! Me and Evan took them there the other day with a few photos snapped…


It was beautiful on Tuesday sun was bright, but it was crisp and cold and I had to pull on the big winter coat!


Sooo warm especially with Tim Hortons French Vanilla!

Not to bad of deal for walking the dogs!!


Have a great Thursday!


xox Soph

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hey! Future! Wait for Me!!!


As I was at school for a long eight hours today, I thought to my self how many more semesters I will have to endure before I will finally graduated with me Bachelors of Arts with Communication and Publishing. I still have a total of 75 Credits left so in other words.. 6 more semesters.

Oh no. That’s two more years. If I think about it ill only be twenty-two and thats still pretty young. Hmmmm what to do what to do. I wish it was the future now, then I wouldnt have to wait. I have composed four realistic  un-realistic dream jobs just so I can imagine how cool it would be….

  1. Super-model…HA I already have problems walking in super high high- heels
  2. Start my own fashion line: Well Soph you need money, and to learn how to sew, two majorly important things.
  3. An actress/ singer : Well I cant act to save the life of me, and my singing should be reserved for those who know me really really well and have no chance of running away.
  4. Editor in Chief of Vogue Magazine: A little more realistic, seeings as though I am doing a publishing degree, but still a dream.

Oh what a life it would be to have ANY of those…

well I dare to dream, I dare to dream :)


xox Soph